
# 6. Job Negotiation Protocol

As outlined above, this protocol runs between the Job Negotiator and Pool and can be provided as a trusted 3rd party service for mining farms.

Protocol flow:

Figure 5.a Job Negotiation Protocol: Flow

# 6.1 Job Negotiation Protocol Messages

# 6.1.1 SetupConnection Flags for Job Negotiation Protocol

Flags usable in SetupConnection.flags and SetupConnection.Error::flags:

Field Name Bit Description
REQUIRES_ASYNC_JOB_MINING 0 The Job Negotiator requires that the mining_job_token in AllocateMiningJobToken.Success can be used immediately on a mining connection in SetCustomMiningJob message, even before CommitMiningJob and CommitMiningJob.Success messages have been sent and received. The server MUST only send AllocateMiningJobToken.Success messages with async_mining_allowed set.

No flags are yet defined for use in SetupConnection.Success.

# 6.1.2 AllocateMiningJobToken (Client -> Server)

A request to get an identifier for a future-submitted mining job. Rate limited to a rather slow rate and only available on connections where this has been negotiated. Otherwise, only mining_job_token(s) from CreateMiningJob.Success are valid.

Field Name Data Type Description
user_identifier STR0_255 Unconstrained sequence of bytes. Whatever is needed by the pool to identify/authenticate the client, e.g. "braiinstest". Additional restrictions can be imposed by the pool. It is highly recommended that UTF-8 encoding is used.
request_id U32 Unique identifier for pairing the response
coinbase_tx_outputs B0_64K Bitcoin transaction outputs added by the pool

# 6.1.3 AllocateMiningJobToken.Success (Server -> Client)

The Server MUST NOT change the value of coinbase_output_max_additional_size in AllocateMiningJobToken.Success messages unless required for changes to the pool’s configuration. Notably, if the pool intends to change the space it requires for coinbase transaction outputs regularly, it should simply prefer to use the maximum of all such output sizes as the coinbase_output_max_additional_size value.

Field Name Data Type Description
request_id U32 Unique identifier for pairing the response
mining_job_token B0_255 Token that makes the client eligible for committing a mining job for approval/transaction negotiation or for identifying custom mining job on mining connection.
coinbase_output_max_additional_size U32 The maximum additional serialized bytes which the pool will add in coinbase transaction outputs. See discussion in the Template Distribution Protocol's CoinbaseOutputDataSize message for more details.
async_mining_allowed BOOL If true, the mining_job_token can be used immediately on a mining connection in the SetCustomMiningJob message, even before CommitMiningJob and CommitMiningJob.Success messages have been sent and received. If false, Job Negotiator MUST use this token for CommitMiningJob only.
This MUST be true when SetupConnection.flags had REQUIRES_ASYNC_JOB_MINING set.

# 6.1.4 CommitMiningJob (Client -> Server)

A request sent by the Job Negotiator that proposes a selected set of transactions to the upstream (pool) node.

Field Name Data Type Description
request_id U32 Unique identifier for pairing the response
mining_job_token B0_255 Previously reserved mining job token received by AllocateMiningJobToken.Success
version U32 Version header field. To be later modified by BIP320-consistent changes
coinbase_tx_version U32 The coinbase transaction nVersion field
coinbase_prefix B0_255 Up to 8 bytes (not including the length byte) which are to be placed at the beginning of the coinbase field in the coinbase transaction
coinbase_tx_input_nSequence U32 The coinbase transaction input's nSequence field
coinbase_tx_value_remaining U64 The value, in satoshis, available for spending in coinbase outputs added by the client. Includes both transaction fees and block subsidy.
coinbase_tx_outputs B0_64K Bitcoin transaction outputs to be included as the last outputs in the coinbase transaction
coinbase_tx_locktime U32 The locktime field in the coinbase transaction
min_extranonce_size U16 Extranonce size requested to be always available for the mining channel when this job is used on a mining connection
tx_short_hash_nonce U64 A unique nonce used to ensure tx_short_hash collisions are uncorrelated across the network
tx_short_hash_list SEQ0_64K[SHORT_TX_ID] Sequence of SHORT_TX_IDs. Inputs to the SipHash functions are transaction hashes from the mempool. Secret keys k0, k1 are derived from the first two little-endian 64-bit integers from the SHA256(tx_short_hash_nonce), respectively (see bip-0152 for more information). Upstream node checks the list against its mempool. Does not include the coinbase transaction (as there is no corresponding full data for it yet).
tx_hash_list_hash U256 Hash of the full sequence of SHA256(transaction_data) contained in the transaction_hash_list
excess_data B0_64K Extra data which the Pool may require to validate the work (as defined in the Template Distribution Protocol)

# 6.1.5 CommitMiningJob.Success (Server -> Client)

Field Name Data Type Description
request_id U32 Identifier of the original request
new_mining_job_token B0_255 Unique identifier provided by the pool of the job that the Job Negotiator has negotiated with the pool. It MAY be the same token as CommitMiningJob::mining_job_token if the pool allows to start mining on not yet negotiated job. If the token is different from the one in the corresponding CommitMiningJob message (irrespective of if the client is already mining using the original token), the client MUST send a SetCustomMiningJob message on each Mining Protocol client which wishes to mine using the negotiated job.

# 6.1.6 CommitMiningJob.Error (Server->Client)

Field Name Data Type Description
request_id U32 Identifier of the original request
error_code STR0_255
error_details B0_64K Optional data providing further details to given error

Possible error codes:

  • invalid-mining-job-token
  • invalid-job-param-value-{} - {} is replaced by a particular field name from CommitMiningJob message

# 6.1.7 IdentifyTransactions (Server->Client)

Sent by the Server in response to a CommitMiningJob message indicating it detected a collision in the tx_short_hash_list, or was unable to reconstruct the tx_hash_list_hash.

Field Name Data Type Description
request_id U32 Unique identifier for the pairing response to the CommitMiningJob message

# 6.1.8 IdentifyTransactions.Success (Client->Server)

Sent by the Client in response to an IdentifyTransactions message to provide the full set of transaction data hashes.

Field Name Data Type Description
request_id U32 Unique identifier for the pairing response to the CommitMiningJob/IdentifyTransactions message
SEQ0_64K[U256] The full list of transaction data hashes used to build the mining job in the corresponding CommitMiningJob message

# 6.1.9 ProvideMissingTransactions (Server->Client)

Field Name Data Type Description
request_id U32 Identifier of the original CreateMiningJob request
unknown_tx_position_list SEQ0_64K[U16] A list of unrecognized transactions that need to be supplied by the Job Negotiator in full. They are specified by their position in the original CommitMiningJob message, 0-indexed not including the coinbase transaction transaction.

# 6.1.10 ProvideMissingTransactions.Success (Client->Server)

This is a message to push transactions that the server did not recognize and requested them to be supplied in ProvideMissingTransactions.

Field Name Data Type Description
request_id U32 Identifier of the original CreateMiningJob request
transaction_list SEQ0_64K[B0_16M] List of full transactions as requested by ProvideMissingTransactions, in the order they were requested in ProvideMissingTransactions